1:1 Somatic Work
with Alexandra Yashar, M.A., OTR/L
Somatic work is about creating a conscious, connected relationship to the body and nervous system. My passion lies in guiding you back to your authentic self, connecting deeply with your shadow. I use trauma-informed somatic healing to help people step into their power and authenticity, living abundant lives. With my work with parents, this often translates to being a more embodied, present parent, which I believe is the greatest gift you could ever give your children. Somatic sessions with me are inner child and bodywork focused. We also work on reprogramming your limiting beliefs so that you can step fully into your limitless life, clearing stuck emotions and energy so that you can live in true and abundant wellness.
What is Somatics?
If you’re wanting greater connection to yourself, to others and to the world, somatic work is for you. Somatic healing can help you access trauma pockets through helping you strengthen your witness around painful and traumatic experiences in your childhood and life. Contact me to learn more about pricing and how somatic work can support your unique goals and needs.